PROJECT Connected By Change | CLIENT CBC/Radio-Canada | SERVICES Creative

Canada’s national public broadcaster is in a period of great transformation. Technology is at the heart of this change.

CBC/Radio-Canada has transformed itself into an agile digital-first broadcaster. At the heart of this change is the Media, Technology, and Infrastructure Services (MTIS) team. The broadcaster needed a film to showcase the changes they are making to stay relevant. Canadians across the country rely on it for their national and regional news and entertainment.

Our challenge was to tell this story and the central role that MTIS is playing, in a way that both informs and inspires confidence in the public broadcaster from English and French Canadian audiences.

We wanted to move beyond merely informing audiences and instead, take them on a journey of discovery. The sheer complexity of the transformation was our biggest hurdle. The broadcaster spans multiple time zones crossing vast geography, and represents wildly diverse populations within Canada.

Working closely with the CBC/Radio-Canada team, we toured their studios in Toronto and Montréal and met with key personnel to understand the story we had to tell. Through phone interviews with employees from across the organization, we narrowed down our cast and distilled all data down to its most essential, to shape the film’s plot.

Shot to emulate a day in the life of the public broadcaster, we filmed in their Toronto and Montréal regional headquarters. Weaving together both French and English interviews, we created a three-act structure centered on a technical difficulty that threatens their ability to deliver content.

We used subtle motion graphics to enhance technical information, using clean typography to meet the requirements of on-screen bilingual content.