PROJECT Meet You There | CLIENT Cadillac Fairview | SERVICES Creative

Cadillac Fairview is one of the largest owners, operators, and developers of office, retail and mixed-use properties in North America. Like any business, it is only as successful as the people who work there. Competing for top talent, the human resources team was looking for a film showcasing its brand values and diverse work environments.

We proposed a series of individual employee profiles, as we wanted to avoid a longer format film with multiple characters—these often try to do too much and end up saying too little. We focused on showing CF’s brand values through authentic stories and not merely concepts to be talked about. It was key for us that employees didn’t speak directly to how great Cadillac Fairview is, but have the audience to draw out this conclusion from the stories themselves.

The resulting films bring to life the CF brand in surprising and unexpected ways. At 2-3 minutes each, they are easy to watch, and can extend a further reach across social media, LinkedIn and the corporate website. Prospective talent can see that Cadillac Fairview is a brand that cares about its employees and the world at large, and an environment where inspired experiences can take place.